
- 研究テーマResearch theme
- This research explores how fatigue affects PPG signals during prolonged sitting.
Unlike EEG and EMG, PPG is easier to use in real-world settings. Investigating how factors like vascular responses, heart rate variability and autonomic nervous system activity influence PPG could lead to practical fatigue detection methods for drivers.
- 研究内容の概要Overview
- Previous studies show that PPG power values increase with fatigue, mirroring results from sensory evaluations like Borg's RPE scale. However, the physiological reasons for this correlation remain unknown. This research examines fatigue tests and analyzes PPG alongside other signals to uncover patterns and mechanisms affecting PPG during fatigue.
- 研究成果をどのように社会に役立てるか
(還元の構想)Giving back to society - This research can improve our fatigue detection methods and one of its outcomes would be to improve road safety by enabling reliable fatigue detection systems for vehicles and wearables. These systems could help reduce fatigue-related accidents, improve driver well-being, and inform policies on rest periods and safe driving limits. The transportation industry may also benefit through safer and more efficient driving practices.