
- 研究テーマResearch theme
- Thermal Environment of Elementary Schools in Indonesia
- 研究内容の概要Overview
- School buildings are designed to foster learning and teaching. In those places, students and teachers spend more than 1,500 hours on average. Thus, school buildings should have a comfortable environment to improve the learning process.
Regarding thermal environment studies of elementary schools in tropical countries, limited research is conducted. From more than 90 countries, the studies have been conducted about 10% namely in Brazil, Singapore, Tehran, Palestine, Portugal, Taiwan, Italy, China, India, and Romania.
The earlier studies proved that the thermal environment in elementary schools is essential to find out. However, in tropical countries, the number and the location of school buildings are still inadequate. In addition, the length of taking the data is still insufficient. Some studies also have not included simulation for improving the thermal environment. Thus, it is crucial to include some elementary schools as objects of the research, take the data for the whole of the year, and simulate the results as a way for improving the thermal environment in order to fill the gaps of the previous research.
The objectives of this study are to report the thermal environmental conditions of public elementary schools in Indonesia for the whole of the year; to analyze the students' responses to the thermal environmental conditions in their building; to find out the neutral and comfortable temperature in the public elementary school buildings; and to improve the thermal environment in the schools based on numerical computational simulation.
The methods that will be used in this study are conducting field measurements in some public elementary schools in Indonesia for a year to find out the condition of the thermal environment comprehensively and spreading the questionnaires to the students in order to understand their perception and adaptive thermal behavior. In addition, to know their comfortable level. Then, numerical computational simulation will be done to find out the best passive methods for improving the thermal environment.
The field measurements will be carried out in some elementary school buildings from the 2 biggest population islands in Indonesia namely Java Island and Sumatera Island. On Java Island, West Java Province will be chosen. On Sumatera Island, Lampung Province will be chosen.
Four indices will be measured in order to understand thermal environment namely: air temperature, radiant temperature, humidity, and air velocity.
- 研究成果をどのように社会に役立てるか
(還元の構想)Giving back to society - This research results will provide valuable information about the thermal environment in Indonesia, especially in elementary schools. In addition, the thermal perception of students will also be beneficial for the government to understand the condition of students' thermal comfort. Moreover, numerical computational will give the condition of the thermal environment based on simulation. Furthermore, the passive design of elementary schools in Indonesia will become an insight to the Indonesian government and planners for designing elementary schools based on students' thermal comfort.